

Buy Ayahuasca#3

Ayahuasca #3 contains enough ingredients for 1 trip

  • Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) 5 grams
  • Chacruna (Psychotria viridis) 30 grams
  • Instructions on this page
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Many people who make ayahuasca use Peganum harmala or so called Syrian rue instead of Banisteriopsis caapi, this is then called anahuasca. We have 4 kind of packages, 2 traditional ayahuasca mixes and 2 analogue mixes (also called anahuasca) which have an almost similar effect.ayahuasca plants for sale

Our psychedelic sale-store psychedelic Ayahuasca #3 is a analogue package with Peganum Harmala (a lot of people prefer this replacement) for Banisteriopsis caapi like in ayahuasca #1.ayahuasca plants for sale

Ayahuasca #3 contains enough ingredients for 1 trip

  • Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) 5 grams
  • Chacruna (Psychotria viridis) 30 grams
  • Instructions on this page

Ayahuasca#3 Effects 

In small dosage: a buzzing feeling through your body and head.
In higher dosage: you start with this buzz but after that you will have a stronger experience associated with nausea, stomach cramps and vomiting.

Also, psychedelic effects, such as visuals seem to be common for some people. The experience will last around 4 hours.

This can be used prior to eating mushrooms, which will make the mushrooms 1½ to 2 times stronger. Beware the effects of the mushroom will also take 1-3 hours longer than with normal use.

Ayahuasca#3 Usage

A common preparation method, which is easier on the stomach and causes less nausea in general than ayahuasca #1 is to make a hot water infusion. (see below recipe)


  • Grind or pulverize the ingredients and put them in a pan.
  • Add 150 ml of distilled of filtered water
  • add 50 ml of lemon juice, or vitamine C tablet.
  • Simmer and stir the liquid for 15 to 30 minutes on the lowest fire on your stove

You can now drink it!


Ayahuasca or anahuasca can be very dangerous when combined with certain foods or other psychoactives that are totally harmless when taken by themselves. Ayahuasca is not a party drug. Use it in a quiet, familiar environment, preferably with a sitter, a sober person that can take care of you. Do not use when pregnant, lactating, depressed, psychotic, operating motorized vehicles or heavy machinery, or in combination with alcohol or medicines. Not to be use by minors.

Be gratefully for the experience, Independently of how it turned out. There are always lessons to be learned, if it worked or not, if you had a “good or a “bad” trip



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